Beginner Codes
C Beginner Codes
It’s me again with the second part for Hashing! The last part is here and you should read it first to understand some things better, cause here I will only implement Linear Probing in C. I will also explain what needs to be changed to implement another Open Address Method directly! So, let’s get started!
It’s pretty easy to implement this type of a Hashtable. It’s a simple Array of specific “prime” size and we will insert the values in the hashindex or the next available space if a collision happens. I think the Code will explain itself!
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define N 53
#define h(x) (x % m) //h(x) = x mod m
// function declarations
void fill_array(int *A, int table_range, int number);
void insert_table(int *table, int table_range, int hash_index, int val);
void print_table(int*table, int table_range);
int search_table(int *table, int table_range, int val);
void delete(int *table, int table_range, int val);
int main(){
int *table; // hashtable
int i, j, n, choice, index;
int search, val;
int num = 0; // insert count (I don't check deletions)
printf("--h(x) = xmod%d--\n", N);
table = (int*)malloc(N*sizeof(int));
// initialize to -1, value that represents emptyness
for(i = 0; i < N; i++){
table[i] = -1;
printf("1.Insert random numbers\n");
printf("2.Delete a number\n");
printf("3.Search a number\n");
printf("4.Show Hash Table\n");
printf("0.Exit Programm\n");
printf("Choice: ");
scanf("%d", &choice);
case 0: exit(0);
case 1:
// insert random numbers
printf("Lot to insert(<%d): ", N-num);
scanf("%d", &n);
}while(N - num < n);
num += n;
fill_array(table, N, n);
printf("Filled Array with %d random values\n", n);
case 2:
// delete a number
printf("Give a value you want to delete: ");
delete(table, N, search);
case 3:
// search for a number
printf("Search for a value: ");
index=search_table(table, N, search);
if(index == -1){
printf("This value doesn't exist on HashTable!\n");
printf("Value was found at table[%d]\n", index);
case 4:
//print hashtable
print_table(table, N);
return 0;
void fill_array(int *A, int table_range, int number){
int i;
int num;
for(i=0; i<number; i++){
num = rand()%1000; // random number from 0 to 999
insert_table(A, table_range, num % table_range, num);
void insert_table(int *table, int table_range, int hash_index, int val){
if(table[hash_index] == -1 && hash_index < table_range){
table[hash_index] = val;
// go to the next index using modulo when it is outside of the array
hash_index = (hash_index+1) % table_range;
if(hash_index == val % table_range){
printf("Hashtable is full!\n");
insert_table(table, table_range, hash_index, val);
void print_table(int *table, int table_range){
int i;
printf("%d ",table[i]);
int search_table(int *table, int table_range, int val){
int i;
i = val % table_range;
// we search the whole array starting from the hashindex
// cause some value in between could have been deleted
// and we then would have false results
if(table[i] == val){
return i;
i = (i+1) % table_range;
}while(i != val % table_range);
return -1;
void delete(int *table, int table_range, int val){
int index;
// we call the search function to get the index
index = search_table(table, table_range, val);
if(index == -1){
printf("Value %d doesn't exist on HashTable!\n", val);
table[index] = -1;
printf("Value %d was found at table[%d] and was deleted!\n", val, index);
An example run would look like this:
To implement the others we only have to change this one line!
hash_index = (hash_index+1) % table_range;
When quadratic probing we will have to put it inside of a for loop and starting going in quadratic steps like that:
hash_index = ((hash_index) + i^2 ) % table_range;
Because my function is recursive I would have to put the i value as a parameter, starting it out with 0 so that we check the normal hash_index first!
So, the insertion using Quadratic Probing would look like this:
void insert_table(int *table, int table_range, int hash_index, int val, int i){
if(table[hash_index] == -1 && hash_index < table_range){
table[hash_index] = val;
hash_index = ((hash_index) + i^2 ) % table_range;
if(hash_index == val % table_range){
printf("Hashtable is full!\n");
insert_table(table, table_range, hash_index, val);
Double Hashing is easy! We will have to put not i^2 but i*the second hashfunction. That way we end up with Double Hashing.
The Insertion Function for Double hashing looks like this:
void insert_table(int *table, int table_range, int hash_index, int val, int i){
if(table[hash_index] == -1 && hash_index < table_range){
table[hash_index] = val;
hash_index = (hash_index + i*(val % H)) % table_range;
if(hash_index == val % table_range){
printf("Hashtable is full!\n");
insert_table(table, table_range, hash_index, val);
Where H should be another value like N, that is smaller than N, but again a prime number!
This is actually it! Hope you enjoyed all that Hashing stuff!
Next time in Programming we will get into Graphs in Java Implementation!
C Beginner Codes
C Beginner Arrays
C Pointers, Strings and Files
C Dynamic Memory Allocation
C Structs and Switch Case
C Recursive Algorithms
C Linked Lists
C Binary Trees
C Queues using Arrays
C Stacks using Arrays
C Queues using Linked Lists
C Stacks using Linked Lists
C Advanced Lists and Queues
C Advanced Trees
C Stack-Queue Exercise using Dynamic Arrays
C Stack-Queue Exercise using Linked Lists
C Hashtables with Chaining
C Hashtables with Linear Probing