Beginner Codes
C Beginner Codes
I will not explain every single thing like what is an if, while, for statement, how you can print in the Console and so on. You can look that all up in the Internet searching for C Basics. Here, we will start with some Codes that implement those things and shows you exactly what you can do with them in practice.
Suppose we have a Tollbooth and we want to count the number of Cars, Bikes and Trucks that passed by. We also want to calculate how much we earned in total, total for every Vehicletype and the avg of all, when a Car pays fee of 5, a Bike fee of 3 and a Truck fee of 10. We will get the Vehicletype as Input and have some kind of specialtype that means terminate the program after printing the results.
#include <stdio.h> //for input and output methods
int main(){
int vehicles=0, cars=0, bikes=0, trucks=0; //counter variables for each type and all together(optional)
char type; //we will get input from the user and 'c' will be Car, 'b' Bike and 't' Truck (maybe even Capitals)
int fee; //fee the current Vehicle has to pay
int total, total_cars, total_bikes, total_trucks; //total payment for all together and each type at it's own
float avg; //floating point number for the average
printf("Tollbooth Counter for Cars(c), Bikes(b) and Trucks(t)\n"); //printing message
do{ //do-while loop because we want to run it at least one time and check afterwards the Condition
printf("Vehicle Type: ");
scanf("%c", &type); //getting input from user
fflush(stdin); //clearing the keyboard buffer...DONT EVER FORGET IT WHEN YOU USE CHAR'S
//checking the input
if( type == 'c'){
fee = 5;
cars++; //cars counter goes 1 up
else if( type == 'b'){
fee = 3;
bikes++; //bikes counter goes 1 up
else if(type == 't'){
fee = 10;
trucks++; //trucks counter goes 1 up
else{ //this is for every other type like 'x'
fee = 0;
continue; //with this statement we make sure that is dont continue downwards
//but gets back to the start of the do-while loop
vehicles ++; //counter for vehicles goes 1 up
printf("You have to pay %d!\n", fee); //we print how much it has to pay
}while(type != 'x'); //we will continue getting input until we get a 'x' Type
printf("A total of %d Vehicles passed by\n", vehicles); //print how many passed by
printf("Cars: %d, Bikes %d, Trucks %d\n", cars, bikes, trucks);
//for the total amount we got paid we can put statements at every single car
//but because we know how many passed of each type
//and the fee is the same we can make the calculations down here
//calculating for each type
total_bikes = bikes * 3;
total_cars = cars * 5;
total_trucks = trucks * 10;
//total is the sum of the above
total = total_bikes + total_cars + total_trucks;
avg = (float) total / vehicles; //typecasting to convert the integers to floats and get the right answer
printf("We earned %d in total\n", total);
printf("From Cars: %d, Bikes: %d, Trucks: %d\n", total_cars, total_bikes, total_trucks);
printf("Average is %.2f\n", avg); //we use %.2f to have only 2 floating point precision
//when you put like %a.bf you have a a-sized integer value and b-sized floating point precision
Let’s make the same as in Code1 but with some stuff more. Everybody has to pay in cash, with card or both to pay the fee. We want to calculated how many paid with Card, In Cash and both, and how much we earned from Card and in Cash. Also, we will not get the Type as an input anymore but the ID value of the Driver (id is an integer with up to 5 numbers) and this will impact to it’s Type to make it more interesting. Last number is 1, 4 or 7 means it’s a Bike, 2, 5 or 8 it’s a Car and 3,6,9 it’s a Truck. If it’s 0 it will impact as the stop point and the program will print the results and finish.
#include <stdio.h> //for input and output methods
#include <stdlib.h> //for the atoi() method
int main(){
int vehicles=0, cars=0, bikes=0, trucks=0; //counter variables for each type and all together(optional)
int card=0, cash=0, both=0; //counter variables for each payment type
char driver_id[6]; //id of the driver
int id; //converted value of id from char
char type; //we get a value for each driver id
int fee; //fee the current Vehicle has to pay
int balance, money; //the card balance and money to pay (if card empty or not enough)
int total, total_cars, total_bikes, total_trucks; //total payment for all together and each type at it's own
int total_card=0, total_cash=0; //total payment for each payment type
float avg; //floating point number for the average
printf("Tollbooth Counter for Cars(c), Bikes(b) and Trucks(t)\n"); //printing message
do{ //do-while loop because we want to run it at least one time and check afterwards the Condition
printf("Driver ID: ");
scanf("%5s", driver_id); //getting input from user as a string with %5s so that NULL is at the end of the string
id = atoi(driver_id); //convert string to integer
//checking the inputs last number with modulo 10
if(id % 10 == 1 || id % 10 == 4 || id % 10 == 7) {
type = 'b';
else if(id % 10 == 2 || id % 10 == 5 || id % 10 == 8) {
type = 'c';
else if(id % 10 == 3 || id % 10 == 6 || id % 10 == 9) {
type = 't';
type = 'x';
//checking type
if( type == 'c'){
fee = 5;
cars++; //cars counter goes 1 up
else if( type == 'b'){
fee = 3;
bikes++; //bikes counter goes 1 up
else if(type == 't'){
fee = 10;
trucks++; //trucks counter goes 1 up
else{ //this is for every other type like 'x'
break; //with this statement we make sure that it stops the loop
vehicles ++; //counter for vehicles goes 1 up
printf("You have to pay %d!\n", fee); //we print how much it has to pay
do{ //getting the balance with do-while
printf("Card Balance: ");
scanf("%d", &balance);
}while(balance < 0); //making sure its not negative
//checking balance status
if (balance >= fee){ //pay with card
balance = balance - fee;
printf("New balance is %d!\n", balance);
card++; //counter for card payment goes 1 up
total_card += fee; //total payment from card goes up by fee
else if(balance == 0){ //pay with cash
printf("Pay %d with Cash!\n", fee);
cash++; //cash counter goes 1 up
total_cash += fee; //total payment from cash goes up by fee
else{ //pay with both
money = fee - balance; //cash to pay
total_cash += money; //total payment from cash goes up by "money"
total_card += balance; //total payment from card goes up by balance
both++; //counter for both goes up by 1
balance = 0;
printf("New balance is %d!\n", balance);
printf("Pay %d with Cash!\n", money);
}while(type != 'x'); //we will continue getting input until we get a 'x' Type
printf("A total of %d Vehicles passed by\n", vehicles); //print how many passed by
printf("Cars: %d, Bikes %d, Trucks %d\n", cars, bikes, trucks);
//calculating for each type
total_bikes = bikes * 3;
total_cars = cars * 5;
total_trucks = trucks * 10;
//total is the sum of the above
total = total_bikes + total_cars + total_trucks;
avg = (float) total / vehicles; //typecasting to convert the integers to floats and get the right answer
printf("We earned %d in total\n", total);
printf("From Cars: %d, Bikes: %d, Trucks: %d\n", total_cars, total_bikes, total_trucks);
printf("Average is %.2f\n", avg); //we use %.2f to have only 2 floating point precision
//Card and Cash stuff
printf("%d paid with Cash, %d with Card and %d with Both\n", cash, card, both);
printf("We earned %d from Cash and %d from Card\n", total_cash, total_card);
C Beginner Codes
C Beginner Arrays
C Pointers, Strings and Files
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C Structs and Switch Case
C Recursive Algorithms
C Linked Lists
C Binary Trees
C Queues using Arrays
C Stacks using Arrays
C Queues using Linked Lists
C Stacks using Linked Lists
C Advanced Lists and Queues
C Advanced Trees
C Stack-Queue Exercise using Dynamic Arrays
C Stack-Queue Exercise using Linked Lists
C Hashtables with Chaining
C Hashtables with Linear Probing